breathe in
just to forwarn, boring meaningless post here. i think i am sick. actually i know it. if it were anyone else they would be crippled by the congestion. not me. i am such the trooper. yup. i think i need a new job. actually i know i need one. i find that this company enjoys being ran by children, and that they also enjoy belittling adults. i think i will start school next semester, again. oh joy. i would try to make money sucking dick but i'm just not that good at it. oh well.
breathe out
why does everyone assume that if you ride the bus you are a second class citizen in this city? our highways are already too congested, out air a dirty brown, yet you all insist on driving your little rat traps to and fro, even if it is only two blocks. i get around just fine without a car. sure, a trip that would take you 10 minutes will take me 20 but thats life. i don't have to worry about parking. i don't have to worry about tickets. i don't have to worry about accidents. if i decide to go on a bender i call a cab to take me home, which i can afford because i don't spend 100 dollars on gas every 2 weeks. or i just walk. yes, sheep, people do still walk from place to place. on a weekly basis i walk from one hangout to the other, about 3 blocks apart, and my friends drive. i beat them every time. i think i have more freedom now than i ever did when i had a car. and that's a little scary.
ventilate (FICTION)
there is a place between worlds. one we have spoken of before. there are the stones that speak, and the door. all of these things are true. we shall open the door. tell me what you see.
the hallway was dark and it stank of a mixture between urine and mold. a flickering light came from one of the adjoining rooms, along with screams. she didn't mind any of that. her goal lay ahead, sleeping behind the last door on the left. as she approached the door she could feel the cold from the other side, feel him waiting there for her. she slid her hand to her hip and its makeshift holster to find comfort, and knocked.
he can feel her as she nears, wading through the distractions that all too often had entrapped the others who had come for him. she would not be deterred, he knew, but he put them up anyway, if anything out of a sense of fairness.
as he felt her at the door, hesitant, he quietly mused to himself about whether she still had her penchant for stiff drinks. he set out a chilled rocks glass just in case. in his hand he held a letter, sent just that morning, from his compatriot in the west. seems they all have been getting visitors this week. it won't be long until the council gets involed. such a shame it has to end this way.
a small child plays with a ball on a street somewhere in a bustling metropolis. for a moment he stops, looks up at a window, and shivers. he drops the ball and walks toward oncoming traffic. it has been a good day, he thinks, as the grill of a cadillac is embedded in his forhead.
all of these things are true. all of these things mean something, especially to you. sit down, have a drink. you have work to do.
poe - fly away