Friday, January 28, 2005

sex and violins

breathe in

well one of my very good friends is moving in a couple of days to san fran. we had a little sort of get together last night, and tonight will probably be the last time i see him for a long time. like we said last night, we all have a free hotel to stay at when we go there at least. we'll miss ya sb. and that doesn't stand for son of a bitch. although it could. i think maybe it should. just for shits.

at least you aren't an asian hobo.

breathe out

everyone hates to move. that's why i have been at the same house for the past almost 3 years. i hate to pack. plus i hate to clean. and moving requires both. so why in the hell do people expect you to help them when obviously they know you hate it. i guess it goes back to the old adage that misery loves company. well i'm miserable but i would prefer to be alone in my misery than have to drag one of you down here with me. plus, who said you had to do it all in one day you baby. you don't have a real job anyway, stretch it out over a week. you should have done this two months ago anyway. you should have done it a year ago. you should have decided to grow up 10 years ago.


center of the sun - conjure one

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