Sunday, January 23, 2005

ba da ba pa....

breathe in

a lot of my net searches have been on ghosts and hauntings lately. hell, last night i scared the bejesus out of myself by looking at an archive of 'ghostly photos' and then hearing the sound of some transient in the alley behind my building. strange shit gets in your head at 4 am. i still can't believe the amount of people that swear that they don't believe in ghosts. hello people they are all around. that just was really gay wasn't it?

ventilate (FICTION)

the wind blows in the places between worlds. you know this because we all know certain things, certain untangible treasure's that were encoded into your creation. you know this just like you know your mother's eyes, or your father's hands. and there is a place where the wind stops. this you know even better than the wind.

in this place there are seven stones, and each stone has seven voices. these voices never speak but you know they are there. you can feel their stares while you sleep. all of these things are true.

in the center of the stones, in the center of this place there is a door. through this door you can go anywhere in all of creation. through this door you can go to any time in creation. through this door you can do anything. you have been there before, so you know that this is true.

you chose here. i could say you chose wisely, but then again you don't even know where you are. but you do. oh, you do.


closer to god (original) - nine inch nails

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Living downtown seriously helped my subconcsious find ways to make ghosts and hauntings a real part of my life. There's just too much surreal stuff that happens there.

...I miss it.