Sunday, March 20, 2005

sodomy is intrusive

breathe out

after reading this i want to punch a fundamentalist. any of them. fucking sodomy is more damaging than child porn? give me a fucking break. these people say that they are 'family' oriented, but all they are doing is going after a section of the population that cherishes the concept of family above all else. sexual orientation is not just about sex. i know a few couples that don't even really have sex, or if they do it's no more frequent than an average married straight couple. i have been in a relationship where there was not very much sex involved. contrary to popular belief, its not always about the deep dickin and the tight asses. its about intamacy. its about love.

once again i sound like dr. phil on crack.

i just hate the fact that i have no rights as a human being because i find it emotionally impossible to fall in love with a woman in a romantic way. i hate it that there are people that have nothing better to do than to regulate everyone else's poonanny. i hate it that there are people here that, despite the benefits of modern society, want to return us to a puritanical state.

notice how the largest proponents of these hate worshippers are always sexually frustrated men and women who in their pasts probably show a pattern of repression and physical abuse by adults and peers.

actually i know someone like this personally. in his youth he was restricted by his parents, not allowed to go to any functions that weren't critically supervised by parents within their religous cult. the kids at school teased him for his modest dress and the fact that all of his clothes looked the same. his parents did not own a television. they participated in book burnings. in high school he was not allowed into any extra-curricular activities and if ever he was late coming home for any reason his parents beat him. he told me his mother had a wooden spoon that she would use to beat him with, and he had the welts to prove it. after school was over, he got a job with a construction company owned by someone in their religion. he still lived with his parents until he was 22. he had developed a drinking problem. he got his own place, and then the fun began. he started running with some white supremacists, and soon was hosting nightly boot parties. age 24 he was arrested for assault, went to prison, and when he got out he was a changed man, but not for the better. he became active in his religion again, and had moved back in with his parents. he studied to become a pastor, and even started dating someone. no one knew that he stumbled through life in a drunken haze. no one knew about his secret.

he told me this story over a series of phone calls. i met him on a gay chat line. i have never met him in person. he knew since he was 5 years old that he was gay. he had struggled and struggled and had tried to take his own life. he became a skinhead to punish others for his own sins just as his parents and peers had punished him throughout his life. hate breeds hate. at 30 he was just then beginning to put his life back together. i was the only one he could talk to because i didn't live near him and therefore i couldn't affect his immediate life.

he killed himself 3 years ago.

i found online about a year ago a skinhead website that still had his name as one of the founders of their little hate clique. it just made me sad. they said he died for the cause.

groups like this hurt families. they teach narrow mindedness and fear. teach is not the right word, they inflict.

i know i have rambled, and i'm damn sure that i'm no journalist. but i just needed to rant.

breathe in

plus i think i'm still drunk

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