Monday, January 31, 2005

kill whitey

breathe in

i think i am just going to start ingraining a new website into every post header. i find some really fun stuff so i would like to share. just like the other white meat thing. very fun. so i get to work today and i am the only person that is not in trouble. fun fun fun. guess i have a job for another week at least. i forgot how all the hotties ride the bus later in the afternoon. i had some good eye candy on the way in today. reminded me of the movie trick . this guy was in the very back, eyes half closed, very very very very very cute, just knowing he was hot. and i was the little dorky boy that wanted to stare but was afraid to. i get to do this all week. yipee!
short post. more to come.


john mayer - my stupid mouth

Sunday, January 30, 2005

cross me and i will crucify you

breathe in

just to forwarn, boring meaningless post here. i think i am sick. actually i know it. if it were anyone else they would be crippled by the congestion. not me. i am such the trooper. yup. i think i need a new job. actually i know i need one. i find that this company enjoys being ran by children, and that they also enjoy belittling adults. i think i will start school next semester, again. oh joy. i would try to make money sucking dick but i'm just not that good at it. oh well.

breathe out

why does everyone assume that if you ride the bus you are a second class citizen in this city? our highways are already too congested, out air a dirty brown, yet you all insist on driving your little rat traps to and fro, even if it is only two blocks. i get around just fine without a car. sure, a trip that would take you 10 minutes will take me 20 but thats life. i don't have to worry about parking. i don't have to worry about tickets. i don't have to worry about accidents. if i decide to go on a bender i call a cab to take me home, which i can afford because i don't spend 100 dollars on gas every 2 weeks. or i just walk. yes, sheep, people do still walk from place to place. on a weekly basis i walk from one hangout to the other, about 3 blocks apart, and my friends drive. i beat them every time. i think i have more freedom now than i ever did when i had a car. and that's a little scary.

ventilate (FICTION)

there is a place between worlds. one we have spoken of before. there are the stones that speak, and the door. all of these things are true. we shall open the door. tell me what you see.
the hallway was dark and it stank of a mixture between urine and mold. a flickering light came from one of the adjoining rooms, along with screams. she didn't mind any of that. her goal lay ahead, sleeping behind the last door on the left. as she approached the door she could feel the cold from the other side, feel him waiting there for her. she slid her hand to her hip and its makeshift holster to find comfort, and knocked.
he can feel her as she nears, wading through the distractions that all too often had entrapped the others who had come for him. she would not be deterred, he knew, but he put them up anyway, if anything out of a sense of fairness.
as he felt her at the door, hesitant, he quietly mused to himself about whether she still had her penchant for stiff drinks. he set out a chilled rocks glass just in case. in his hand he held a letter, sent just that morning, from his compatriot in the west. seems they all have been getting visitors this week. it won't be long until the council gets involed. such a shame it has to end this way.
a small child plays with a ball on a street somewhere in a bustling metropolis. for a moment he stops, looks up at a window, and shivers. he drops the ball and walks toward oncoming traffic. it has been a good day, he thinks, as the grill of a cadillac is embedded in his forhead.
all of these things are true. all of these things mean something, especially to you. sit down, have a drink. you have work to do.


poe - fly away

Friday, January 28, 2005

things can only get better, then they get worse

breathe in

its hard to write this with someone looking over your shoulder. its hard to live in a 12 x 14 box with someone that just eats and sleeps and occasionally goes out for a 'spa treatment'. yeah he gives me money. yeah he's not here all the time. yeah he's not that bad when it comes to doin dishes. but christ. i just want to be alone sometimes. is that mush to ask?

breathe out

feast or famine. thats the old saying i guess. sometimes i would rather starve. makes life more interesting. reminds me of a scene from agnes of god, one of the best movies if i do say so myself, where she says that she needs to stop eating, that she needs to suffer like a little child because god said suffer the little children. i always have been a fan of suffering. its sort of liberating. i just wish i was a little better at it.

ventilate (FICTION)

"are you ready?"

the sky shone like blue eyes.

"i think so. did you get it?"

"i got it."

the sound of the train was rhythmic, the miles measured in clacks and puffs of steam.

"do you think things will ever change?"

she takes the ring from around her neck and twists it back and forth between her fingers. he stares out the window.

"i think that you will see a great many things in the next few hours. i don't know if it will change anything right away. maybe except us."

she looks at him, and then at the hills to the west. in the distance there was a small town, a grain silo surrounded by 6 or 7 white houses, and what looks to be a red brick building on the edge with an american flag rising above, fluttering in the breeze. in the field between passes a small lake, crystalline with winter chill.

"i don't want to change. i just want this to be over."

"me too."

the train begins to slow as the city looms closer.

"this is where it begins."

the train stops

"this is where it ends."


you really didn't need to come all this way. would you like a drink? i guess not. not speaking to me it seems. well suit yourself. i have been talking to myself for a very long time now, so i am used to it. well, regardless i am going to have a drink. it is not that often that i get company. not since i came here.

i see you brought the book. nice story. too bad it is nothing that can help you here. i know you thought that by bringing that little artifact that in some way you would have the upper hand. the last one that came thought the same thing.

oh, i see by that look you thought you were the first one, that this was the first time that something like this had happened. well, in a sense yes, but you are not the first one to try to come and stop it. there have been quite a few actually. if you could not guess, they all failed.

what? still no words? i guess coming face to face with me is quite intimidating. breathtaking if i do say so myself.

i remember the last one. his name was william if i remember. he was a braggart, screaming all sorts of nonsense about demons and angels and the rites. all rubbish mind you. he did not realise the scope of what he was dealing with. so much more than demons. and there are no such thing as angels. he tried to pry the information about the knife you seek from me like a child grasping for a toy. he threatened me. needless to say this is as far as he got. under that glass over there is a piece of his scalp.

your silence intrigues me. i will not give you what you seek, not tonight. you can stay in this room tonight, and tomorrow maybe you will be up to talking. i have other business to attend to, so i will see you tomorrow at sunset.

and don't worry. i will not hurt the girl. too much.

children.. the other white meat

breathe in

go to the link. i think i'm in love.

sex and violins

breathe in

well one of my very good friends is moving in a couple of days to san fran. we had a little sort of get together last night, and tonight will probably be the last time i see him for a long time. like we said last night, we all have a free hotel to stay at when we go there at least. we'll miss ya sb. and that doesn't stand for son of a bitch. although it could. i think maybe it should. just for shits.

at least you aren't an asian hobo.

breathe out

everyone hates to move. that's why i have been at the same house for the past almost 3 years. i hate to pack. plus i hate to clean. and moving requires both. so why in the hell do people expect you to help them when obviously they know you hate it. i guess it goes back to the old adage that misery loves company. well i'm miserable but i would prefer to be alone in my misery than have to drag one of you down here with me. plus, who said you had to do it all in one day you baby. you don't have a real job anyway, stretch it out over a week. you should have done this two months ago anyway. you should have done it a year ago. you should have decided to grow up 10 years ago.


center of the sun - conjure one

Monday, January 24, 2005

don't be scared

breathe out

does this technically qualify as a blog? is this more like a live journal? well what the fuck is the difference? i am sorry that i am a little cyber dumb so why don't you pretentious fucks just lay off. LOL LMAO BRB... fuck you...

breathe in

that out of the way, phew! feel so much better. so i get here today, thinking that everything was peachy and nice because i had a relative problem free weekend, when bam they tell me that since it is so slow on weekends and we have no volume that it is my fault. sorry i can't fucking make people pick up the phone and call us. sorry that people just want to relax on sundays. sorry there were two championship football games on. sorry i could give a shit. anyone hiring a cranky psycho?

i have foul mouth today. i better watch myself.

i shouldve written fowl mouth. that would be funny. hah

Sunday, January 23, 2005

ba da ba pa....

breathe in

a lot of my net searches have been on ghosts and hauntings lately. hell, last night i scared the bejesus out of myself by looking at an archive of 'ghostly photos' and then hearing the sound of some transient in the alley behind my building. strange shit gets in your head at 4 am. i still can't believe the amount of people that swear that they don't believe in ghosts. hello people they are all around. that just was really gay wasn't it?

ventilate (FICTION)

the wind blows in the places between worlds. you know this because we all know certain things, certain untangible treasure's that were encoded into your creation. you know this just like you know your mother's eyes, or your father's hands. and there is a place where the wind stops. this you know even better than the wind.

in this place there are seven stones, and each stone has seven voices. these voices never speak but you know they are there. you can feel their stares while you sleep. all of these things are true.

in the center of the stones, in the center of this place there is a door. through this door you can go anywhere in all of creation. through this door you can go to any time in creation. through this door you can do anything. you have been there before, so you know that this is true.

you chose here. i could say you chose wisely, but then again you don't even know where you are. but you do. oh, you do.


closer to god (original) - nine inch nails

Saturday, January 22, 2005

40 days and nights in the desert and all i got was this lousy t shirt

breathe in

why do i work here? why do i bother? i just need to be independently wealthy. i swear that if i had some sort of enormous windfall come to me tomorrow i would quit this place, live in my same apartment, and just sit around. of course i would also get a personal trainer named hans or some sort of outlandish european sounding name and have him give me a personal workout daily. maybe i could start a porn company. that would be awesome. porn is good. that's it! the reason i work here is to finance my porn addiction. see, eventually we all answer our own questions.

breathe out

i have a problem with death. not to say that i don't think that it should exist, because there are many people out there that should and deserve to die, but i just have a problem with it. whenever i have seen anyone die, or someone close to me has died, i really just sort of shrug my shoulders and do the c'est la vie thing. does that make me cold? does that make me uncaring. sure if it's a horrible accident or something i get a little shocked, but i don't think that i really know how to mourn. i have mourned for relationships and lost items, but i don't mourn death itself. i guess i don't know the meaning of the word mourn. its sort of a stupid concept anyway. when you mourn someone it really is just a selfish reaction to death. in my opinion it comes down to the fact that you are saying to yourself that you are sad because that person is not in your life. i think that we should celebrate death as a state of change. when i die i don't want a single tear shed for me. i want a large party sponsored by tanqueray and dancing go go boys for everyone. in whatever comes after life, or dare i say THE afterlife, i don't think that i'll care much about what tears are shed for me. i'll be too busy boozing it up with people like george burns and mae west.

breathe in

now that i've got some steam going with this whole blog thing, let me tell you how this works. breathe in stuff is more personal me stuff, like what psycho did today. breathe out stuff will be just generic rants and thoughts. ventilate will always be fiction. nebulize are the musical inspirations floating around. i figured i could explain it once and then for all the people that ask after this i will call them stupid and feel hurt because they obviously didn't read the all important 40 days and nights post. hehe. one of my friends told me to go to lj with this. i tried lj and i just didn't get it. blogger is geekier anyway.

speaking of geek.

if you dare.


lauren christy - boomerang bang

Friday, January 21, 2005

rabbits, plinkety plink

breathe in

just got done watching donnie darko. for like the umpteenth time. i think i relate most to his mother. detached but caring. i think the best thing is that she doesn't cry when he dies. does that make me heartless?

breathe out

sometimes it is time to move on. existence brings a lot of unexpected pitfalls and if you don't climb out of the proverbial holes that you fall into you just become stagnant. and dull. and everyone will hate you. life changes because we make it change. bad things happen because you made them happen, just like the good ones. the brilliance of free will is the ability to act on the past and create a dynamic future. stop mourning your death, unfortunately you will be around for a while longer. and after all he was just a selfish brat. just like you. and he wasn't good enough for you, just like you for him. in vegas they would call it a push. you are back to where you started from, a little frustrated but ok. move on.

Thursday, January 20, 2005

johnny dear don't be afraid

breathe in

i have literally done nothing all day. well i posted earlier. looked around on the internet. so i came back to post again for shits and giggles. i made a new playlist on my ipod. that was fun. oh, and i have the sleeping giant next to me. nothing much really happened today. there was a great episode of the x files that had something like that for a title.

i'm new to this whole thing, imagine that, and i would really like to have some help to make it better. so if you see this and can give me tips on design and stuff like that or direct me to a place that i can go to that will help me learn that would be fantastical.

fantastical. what a great word.

breathe out

i think that i try to hard. i'm great at first impressions, but my follow through needs a lot of work.

is it that i'm boring? i try not to be. everyone is always worried about first date strategies, when really i need advice on the second one. i think i may be relationship retarded.



(tape found in room 1803, dated january 4th, year not listed. the only voice is that of an anonymous female. i figured that it might help you with that whole whitmore case. - c.)

i haven't seen him in three days. not since i went to park avenue west. he said that he was going to take care of something, and he walked into the sunset. i hate it when he does that

so now i sit here. i sit here and i talk to you.

i don't know why you ask me about him. you know as well as i do that he does what he wants when he wants. sure he has been passing his time with me for the past little bit, and sure it hasn't exactly been a private affair, but that doesn't mean that i'm his keeper.

how did you find me here anyway?

(gap in tape) i did. i shot her four times. once for each sin. like i said before, she asked for it.

(there is a variety of white noise and other sounds, one i recognized as a tv commercial. )

don't look at me like that. i did what i had to do. because it was right. the right thing to do is not always what you would think of as good. justice is blind after all. do you want a cigarette?

(tape ends)

Wednesday, January 19, 2005

i don't know many priests that get into bar fights

breathe in

alias is the best show in the world. watching right now. michael vartan is one of the best looking men in the world. but the show has other good things going for it. its like mission impossible only with a killer backstory. goes back to the old oxymoron, quality television.

breathe out

let's talk about conditions. let's talk about rules. i make all the rules. i set all the conditions. all of these things are true.
why is it that we all think that we are in control of our own destiny? each person has their own standards, their own guidelines that they expect everyone to follow, only to have the rules broken by a twinkle in an eye or a gentle caress. my conditions have not been met, yet i still go on. all of these things are true.
i broke my own rules recently. for a moment i looked through the rose colored glass and lied to myself. i let someone in that didn't deserve it, someone that really just didn't care.
if that someone reads this, i miss you. but from now on, we play by my rules. until you make me break them again.


haunted - poe

worry free like me...ask me how

breathe in

how can i begin. with sullen eyes and sultry thighs and who did you hire to wear that dress. it was an evening.

can't say much...or should i scream?

more to come.

Monday, January 17, 2005

i didn't lie.

breathe in

so i spent my last few dollars on burger king. i know i shouldn't have. hell i shouldn't have gone out last night. tomorrow i'll be stuck at home with no money unless i go get the rapid refund stuff. or i can go to my father's and get my christmas present (woo hoo a crisp 100$ bill). i think thats what i will do. only thing is i have to walk like 8 million miles when i get up to the boonies there. the man still pisses me off. you would think that i am 27 years old and i would get over it and visit the dying old fuck every once in a while. well i learned hate from him very well and i can hold a grudge better than my evil old dead grandmother. remember that all you nasty tricks out there: i know who you are and i will have my revenge.

breathe out

its funny how things change, how the dynamics of any relationship, even a friendship, can distort with just the slightest touch. eyes that seemed so friendly a short time ago are now like a stranger's. its alright though i guess. humanity by nature are stubborn creatures and when something changes, even a little, our very essence is offended. for all of you that have gone away, for all of you that are strangers to me now, i miss you. even the fuckwads.

ventilate (FICTION)

re: dreams

i had a dream last night. there was this room. the walls were black with like soot or some sort of black ichor. there was a strange orange light coming from a hallway to my left. there was a sound of machinery. and there was the sound of someone screaming.

so do you think it means anything?


re: re: dreams

was the machinery like a heartbeat? just wondering

btw shelley called me today. psycho slut. still wants your number. how come after you fuck these chicks and never call them back they end up hounding me? its bad for my rep to have all that tuna leaving messages on my cel. check this:

didn't you grow up around long island? just wondering.


re: montauk

went to that link. that stuff about montauk sounds like all the crazy stuff me and derek did when we lived around there, like creeping into the base and stuff. we just went there to smoke pot though, and most of the bunkers weren't all concreted up. never heard of the beast bunker or any sort of project rainbow or any crap like that before.

had the dream again last night. i started to turn the corner. i think the light is a fire of some sort. reminded me of dante.

your friend jamie is hot. hook me up.


re: jamie

she is such the ho. she'll outsuck a vaccuum i can tell you that. i taught her everything she knows after all. met her at a nails concert. i gave her your email this morning and told her that all you are about is a quick fuck and not to get too attached. they never listen tho.

call me tonight. i have to tell you something. in person.


re: dreams

i tried calling you last night but you wouldn't pick up the phone. probably tricking with andre or some crap i assume. anyway, jamie came over, we had a good conversation. she's a cool girl.

she woke me up in the middle of the night, said i was talking in my sleep. did i do that in college? anyway, she said i was talking in some sort of code, saying like black sheep oh-five, come in lemon pie, over and over again. i think i had the dream again. i know i made it there. i made it to the machine but for the life of me i can't remember what i saw when i got there.

lemon pie. weird shit huh?

there is this new guy at work here. very clean cut, built, just your type. i don't know if he plays for your team, but if anything he is metro. he doesn't talk much but everytime i go out for a smoke he is in the hallway. he is goodlooking, but he has this weird glare whenever i walk by, sorta creepy. you like the creepy ones though, so i'll try to hook you up.


re: are you alive?

that guy asked me to coffee. i told him i didn't swing that way but he said it wasn't like that. he said he needed to talk to me about shelley. i told him i would get back to him. then he just happened to show up at frank's when i went in for drinks with jamie last night. and get this, he ordered a shot called lemon pie for us. he isn't that creepy i guess. his name is jason. he toasted really weird though. he said "lemon pie we're coming through, say hail mary!" and smiled this wicked smile. i must have drunk a lot because i woke up at 3 am and jason was sneaking out of my house. jamie was sprawled out on top of me smelling like a brewery and i felt like a cat shit in my mouth. at least i had all my clothes on.

you need to call me. what ever shall i do without my pet homo?


I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following
This is a permanent error.


you never should have done that
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
the machine has a heartbeat. don't tell gabriel. he doesn't like the truth. jason is the truth. raphael is the truth. vyvyan is the truth. remember me. we will be in contact. run now.

flight 150, british airways, tonight. be on board. black sheep 05 out

i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.
i tried to warn you. lemon pie coming through.


gave up - nine inch nails

we like the cars that go boom

breathe in

so i get to work and there is a letter waiting for me. "you were late for work by two hours on saturday, which is unacceptable. as a member of management you should be setting an example..." blah blah blah. i got written up. me. king of the known universe. master of all things. me. huh.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

fallen angels get all the chicks

breathe in

why is it on days that you have to go to work that is when you want to sleep. tuesday i will wake up bright and shiny at 9 am i know it. today i woke up at 11 am. i need to get up at 10 at the latest in order to make myself beautiful. i didn't even go out last night and get looped. i even was going to get up early today.... sigh....

breathe out

football upsets me. really. i think it shows this sort of twisted morality that has evolved in our culture. for example look at yahoo, on the start page. top stories: iraq, tsunami, football. or if brad and jen have announced a divorce yet. but don't knock that thats important information that we cannot live without. still, stories like this show us what we as a culture have deemed important. yeah they are sneaking in quips about the triton landing and other international events that aren't glogal tragedies, but we only focus on something if more than 100 people have died or if they throw a ball.

breathe in

sometimes i have to laugh. christoff. what a ridiculous and pompous name to give your child, and to raise him to have that attitude is even worse. christoff is a respiratory therapist at denver general hospital. if you work with him, if you see him, if you are unfortunate to have to talk to him at all, if you can get away with it call him an asshole to his face. he deserves it. i am plotting revenge this very moment. obviously higher education did not teach this man and sort of manners at all. he's only a respiratory tech anyway. he probably got his degree from a junior college and is still paying off their outrageous tuition rates with his measly salary at a two bit city hospital. i know how much people there make and even doctors don't make that much. grrrr.. the joys of 2nd rate customer service.


homicide - snake river conspiracy

conspiracy theory

breathe in.

so my new favorite thing in the whole world are conspiracy web sites. anything from the dulce base in new mexico, montauk/ camp hero, hollow earth theory, moon artifacts, cydonia on mars, the list goes on. pretty much if its on art bell i love it. if you don't know art bell just do a quick google on him and let the fun begin. this doesn't mean that i necessarily believe this stuff, but it just fascinates me right on. as i write this there is a tv show on right now that is talking about the facility at groom lake. now that is one that i do believe. the basic thing behind all of these things is what i really truly believe. that is that our government lies to us. now i don't think that there are reptilians controlling our government alongside the illuminati, but there is a certain truth in the secrecy and the draconian nature of our leaders. plus some of this stuff is just too fucking nuts to make up. i've always been intrigued by the mysterious and i guess these are the net generations answer to atlantis and noahs ark.

breathe out.

well that was horribly disjointed. anywho...

i think the i pod contributes to illegal activity. lets just say that.


i walk this earth alone and all i've ever known
is you are right beside me
if i love you for a day and throw my life away
would i leave you behind me?

lauren christy

Saturday, January 15, 2005

breathe in

first post. its probably not going to be good. so here goes.


so i overslept today and of course, with murphy's law this happened to be one of those super duper busy days at work where there will be much joy on monday when i come to work about my indescretion. i really think that everyone is allowed to be late, and if its two hours hey at least i called.

the ipod is a glorious thing. everyone i know that has one actually and truly loves theirs like its a pet monkey or somehting. i would love to have a pet monkey, but instead i have an ipod, and i think its just as good. what is a more fitting personal profile than a collection of someone's musical tastes? a friend of mine has 1500 songs on his, mostly showtunes. needless to say he's gay. last night we sat at the bar and had a little ipod party, comparing songs, playlists, bragging about who has more of what and who has downloaded more illegally than who. it was quite entertaining. the one person without one sat at the table like a bump on a log, his face long and sullen. it actually gave me a great idea. there should be a place, not online but in person, where you can share your ipod contents with others and just all have a good time. or you could have ipod night at the local bar, ask the dj to plug your ipod into the sound system and people can boo or cheer your mix. it would be fun.


you think that this would be easy. after all i do have the power to level mountains, burn cities, make it rain blood across continents. you think i could find a single rebel. i mean come on. when he went down there he left a whole in the middle of asia the size of a small village. they still talk about it down there like it was some sort of exploding meteor or a rogue black hole. black hole, huh more like asshole. he leaves radiation burns on all of the monkeys in a hundred mile radius and then just fucking disappears into the forest like a fucking yeti or something.

and now they say that he is hanging out with her. one traitor deserves another i guess.

i still get hints of their trail every once in a while. in 1949 there was a blackout in st. petersberg, or whatever they were calling it then. when the lights came back on the monkeys were surprised to find five of their top politicians dead on the waterfront, throats slit, the flesh cauterized at the incision. nice work if i do say so myself. then the little prick arranged their bodies in a damn pentagram and put a sickle next to it, just like their stupid monkey flag. pretty creative i must say, but that almost started world war three in and of itself. stupid shithead never thinks of anyone but himself. ariel nearly got fired for that one, and michael was in a pissy mood for weeks. i personally had to impersonate a russian dissedent and have myself execuuted in front a firing squad. that was a shitty day.

in 1968 there was a man in san fransisco that claimed to have seen them together. he started some sort of church, said that it was based on the rock of the angelic wedding or some crap. in a big grand hoo ha they then proced to go to the center of golden gate park on some forsaken hill and fling themselves down one by one. each one had woven tapestries of the 'sacred lovers' clutched in their fists. that was probably her idea. i heard that she was like the patron of sluts and suicide or some crap.

other things have happened, random disappearences, killings, miracles, the usual, but for the past i would say five years the trail has gone cold. no blood. no disaster. nothing. so i sit here and i mull over a cup of coffee and watch the monkeys pace back and forth on the street. across the way some asshole decided to put a statue of me in like this fucking flower garden. i hate flowers. and he gave me one of those floppy things the boy monkeys play with so much. god gave the monkeys those and thats where the trouble started. i hear that whatever happened before he ran he got one of those too. i heard one of the girl monkeys say it the other day, something about the dick is always the problem. hell, that sums up the whole war pretty much.


john mayer - my stupid mouth

esthero - heaven sent