Sunday, January 16, 2005

fallen angels get all the chicks

breathe in

why is it on days that you have to go to work that is when you want to sleep. tuesday i will wake up bright and shiny at 9 am i know it. today i woke up at 11 am. i need to get up at 10 at the latest in order to make myself beautiful. i didn't even go out last night and get looped. i even was going to get up early today.... sigh....

breathe out

football upsets me. really. i think it shows this sort of twisted morality that has evolved in our culture. for example look at yahoo, on the start page. top stories: iraq, tsunami, football. or if brad and jen have announced a divorce yet. but don't knock that thats important information that we cannot live without. still, stories like this show us what we as a culture have deemed important. yeah they are sneaking in quips about the triton landing and other international events that aren't glogal tragedies, but we only focus on something if more than 100 people have died or if they throw a ball.

breathe in

sometimes i have to laugh. christoff. what a ridiculous and pompous name to give your child, and to raise him to have that attitude is even worse. christoff is a respiratory therapist at denver general hospital. if you work with him, if you see him, if you are unfortunate to have to talk to him at all, if you can get away with it call him an asshole to his face. he deserves it. i am plotting revenge this very moment. obviously higher education did not teach this man and sort of manners at all. he's only a respiratory tech anyway. he probably got his degree from a junior college and is still paying off their outrageous tuition rates with his measly salary at a two bit city hospital. i know how much people there make and even doctors don't make that much. grrrr.. the joys of 2nd rate customer service.


homicide - snake river conspiracy

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