Friday, January 21, 2005

rabbits, plinkety plink

breathe in

just got done watching donnie darko. for like the umpteenth time. i think i relate most to his mother. detached but caring. i think the best thing is that she doesn't cry when he dies. does that make me heartless?

breathe out

sometimes it is time to move on. existence brings a lot of unexpected pitfalls and if you don't climb out of the proverbial holes that you fall into you just become stagnant. and dull. and everyone will hate you. life changes because we make it change. bad things happen because you made them happen, just like the good ones. the brilliance of free will is the ability to act on the past and create a dynamic future. stop mourning your death, unfortunately you will be around for a while longer. and after all he was just a selfish brat. just like you. and he wasn't good enough for you, just like you for him. in vegas they would call it a push. you are back to where you started from, a little frustrated but ok. move on.

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