Tuesday, April 19, 2005

walking on shards of your eyes

breathe in

it happened again. i don't know what i do, or how i do it but it happened again. its alright though. really it is.

but i don't have anyone to go to tori with tonight and thats a fucking bummer. yup.

i just want to rant now tho. why is it that i am so eager to get involved, and so eager to give it all, and that i can't find it. i used to be them. i used to be free of constraint and happy with life as a vagabond. i want someone to hold me. i want someone to care.

i want someone to stick around for more than 2 weeks.

on a lighter note, still in the process of moving to my new house. anyone that is interested drop me a line and i will give you the grand tour.

that means you c.


the power of orange knickers - tori

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