Monday, February 14, 2005

an emotional landslide in physical terms

breathe in

i went and had drinks last night. there were a lot of things that happened that i shouldn't talk about, or maybe just wait a day or so to do so. but fuck, i'll do it anyway.

why is it my fucking responsibility to be your sanity? i can barely even contain my own, but you expect me to fix your life. you expect me to be your rock. i'm sorry that you can't handle the real world. stop drinking. stop sulking. live your life and don't mourn it. you make me sound like a self help guru on crack and i hate it.

and as for you, the other one. you made this problem and you knew what was going to happen. why in the fuck is it my mess to clean up? the shattered glass that has been left behind has dug a little too deep into my heels, and you keep a step ahead of me spreading out salt. this is not my mess. i never approved of this in the fucking first place, against it from the start.

and the rest of you. keep enabling. keep bitching. just let me take care of it. fuck you.

i'm not a fucking nice person, don't make me be one against my will.


snake river conspiracy - somebody hates you

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