Tuesday, February 08, 2005

ron jeremy and everything after

breathe in

i don't understand demands. you do _____ or else. it just doesn't work with me. those of you that know me know that this is all what turns me from nice to i will so go dante on your ass. i know how to punish sinners. i learned it from the inferno. abandon all hope ye who enter mother fuckers.

why don't you understand? why can't you talk to me about it? why are you scared?

things to think about

breathe out

i had a chance to walk through airport security with contraband. no lie. 20$ that i could have turned around into 200. i got freaked. i went to the line, turned around and dumped it. why you may ask? because i wanted to go home. because i wanted to be safe. because i wanted to write this down later. nonetheless the only question i was asked was if i watched the superbowl. i slept through the superbowl. i made a good enough story to convince the guy that i just wasnt a punk trying to get through. i told him that sir paul was fuckin cool. regardless of that, as i walked through the airport, i wondered why it is now so illegal for a loved one to meet their someone sorta great at the gate. why can't they partake of the half-assed fast food on concourse a. why do we live in fear.

because we deserve it, and you know it in your heart of hearts.

we are evil and wrong and we have raped and killed all in the name of free will, and will continue to do so until the protestant god finally says that we have earned our keep.

after all, its what our nation was founded on. something to think about. i will be. maybe a more coherent essay later.


orbital - the box

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