Sunday, February 13, 2005

how to keep smiling when you're thinking of killing yourself

breathe in

so i decided to yahoo my blog title. granted i knew it was a garbage song. i knew it was a novel. i give that all credit in my own special way. I FOUND 30 OTHER BLOGS/LJ'S WITH THE EXACT SAME NAME. and i thought i was sooo creative. i thought that i was special. i thought you should know.

i think thats like the first time i've used caps at all in any post on purpose.

wow, now that's cool.

breathe out

to add to the above observation, why in the hell when you google something do you always get results that are fucking 5 years old. i found my old geocities page there, and that was dismantled 2 years ago. yahoo and google are fast becoming media giants by any standard, and they should have thought of technology that will weed out sites that are just plain old. my personal favorite is when you go to one and then the owner tries to sell you the domain name. i by no means am computer saavy, but damn gina, get yourself checked before you get wrecked.

that was lame.

breathe in

dilemma: bug my friends for dollar drinks vs. go to a strange, but very nice, boy's house to make out

stay tuned for the results


garbage - sleep together

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